Meisje aan het klimmen op de klimwand van het klimparcours van Klimrijk Brabant

School trip climbing

Come climb during field trip

A school trip to Klimrijk Brabant is extremely adventurous. Come climb with the class on the climbing course and experience the adrenaline rush!

  • Duration 120 minutes

  • Vanaf 4 jaar

  • Vanaf 20 personen

About climbing in the climbing forest

The climbing forest guarantees fun in the forest with respect for nature. The kids enjoy pushing their limits on the various climbing routes. Each route has its own level of difficulty, so there is a challenge for every adventurer. But don't worry, qualified instructors guide the kids where necessary.

Good to know

  • Access

    Climbing is possible from the age of 4.

  • Safety

    During this activity, children receive instruction and guidance from qualified instructors.

  • Combining activities

    Options for adding a lunch or BBQ package can be found in the brochure.

Book 'School trip up the tree' now